domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

We must clean the sport

Since the Olympic Games of ancient Greece, the sport has had a reputation for uniting people and nations in a tradition of healthy competition and personal effort.

However, we have allowed this noble tradition will be corrupted by greed, money and power as so many facets of our lives.

Every day jump to the headlines, and of blogs (last redoubt of free speech not manipulated), more and more cases that get dirty greatness of the sport by the mud.

Repression previous Games Olípicos China, doping in all disciplines, the aggrandizement of the stars, fights among colleagues, violence in football ...

It is sad, but we have left that sport becomes one of the worst expressions of our society. Appealing violence, corruption, struggles for power and money.

I hope we can get again the old values of playful competition, overcoming of brotherhood.

It is a beautiful dream.

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